Wednesday, February 4, 2009

First post.

Finally got around to creating a new journal space, I've honestly been contemplating it for the past few months with the dramas and daily drab that have been going on in and around my life.
Basically I'll just post thoughts that are on my mind or about occurrences in my day.

I'm getting ready to move in with my long term boyfriend in the next few weeks. The reality of it all is beginning to hit me. I can't imagine myself not seeing my family everyday or having so much more responsibility, seeing as though for the past nineteen years my parents have been doing everything for me maybe a little too much.
So on the note of moving I've had to arrange a job to go to, I've chose just to stay with McDonalds for the time being, Not because I want to. Just because its the easiest way to go about it. I won't get yelled at as much as I would if I was leaving my current job as I am simply getting a transfer rather than leaving all together. I'm too much of a sook to leave all together and stand there while I have Rod, my boss go off his head at me.
While on the topic of work, I have only two weeks working at maccas up here. It's going to be sad leaving, I've formed relationships with the most unlikely of people while being there and I'm going to miss them all.

This time of year always upsets me, everyone going back to school. I really wish I hadn't dropped out. I miss having a routine everyday and not having the problems that I face now that I work 38 hours a week and wake at 4am every day. I barely see any of my school friends anymore, that's slightly depressing in itself, seeing as though I used to see them 5 days a week.
I'm actually seeing Claire (probably my closest friend from school) this friday, we're going out to Jakes new house to just hang out. Danni is coming over after she finishes school and I think a few others that I don't know.
Anyway this post has gone on too long, I didn't anticipate writing this much,
I just got rambling

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