Monday, February 9, 2009


Absolutely tired right now, I had to get up at 3:30am this morning to get ready for work. The day went all downhill from there. Had to train a new girl at work for front open, she barely paid any attention to what I was telling her, so I guess its fair to say I did two opens today. From there it was full busy in café, I made easily six toasted sandwiches within the first two hours, on top of so many coffees. Got sick of everyone walking off today leaving only Shailee and I to serve and clean up.
I'm telling Rod about leaving on my shift on Wednesday, as I still haven't got around to it, he's always busy or pretending whichever.
Anyway as I was saying worst day, the 11:30 starter didn't come in, didn't bother calling up sick either, reckoned that she didn't know that she was working. I'm going to be pretty pissed off if she doesn't get yelled at or whatever seeing as though I got all my shifts cancelled last week for the same thing, even though work knew I was sick the preceding days. So over work and the favouritism and shit that goes on.
So I had to stay back, not that I minded because the bus didn't come till quarter past anyway and I for once really need the money. Now I'm completely drained, wanting an early nights sleep but I really want to talk to Owen even though I am struggling to keep my eyes open right now and it is only 5:30.
Glad I have a day off tomorrow, nothing planned at all, just want to sleep in. I don't have another day off until Sunday after this. I'm going to be sore,tired and bitchy Sunday. Any bet I'll have a whole heap of shifts next week too. I can't work the weekend though because Owen comes up. So excited I can't wait just to kiss him again, He is the single most amazing person I have ever met, even though I treat him like shit most of the time.
I stayed out at Jakes the other night, Heaps disappointed, Didn't like the fact that I was mainly only invited so that Claire could use me as a means of lying to both Matt and her parents.
I got so sick from eating cheese off the pizza, and was denied going to the bathroom because they were mucking around down there for the past two hours, Was really pissed off and I don't care if either of them are reading this.
Wasted a night and an entire day seeing as though I didn't get home until seven, only went though because it would be the last time I would see Claire before I moved, Too bad she wasted half the night being all over Jake when she is meant to be with Matt, a point raised by both Danni and I.
Really should stop typing.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Flamingos are only pink because they eat shrimp, the more shrimp they eat the brighter their feathers become. This happens because of high amounts of bacteria inside the shrimp. 
Flamingos that lack in colour are usually malnourished, unhealthy or still young. Flamingos in zoos are fed a lot more fish and less shrimp hence why they are a paler shade of pink. 


Today was great, I went down to work and collected my hours. I didn't get to speak to Rod about the transfer but I got to speak to a lot of people that I'm fairly close to.
I got the review done and out of the way too, did really good in it. Tory said it was one of the best reviews he's written.
Got proper shifts too that start next week. No more late nights for a while seeing as though the majority of them are opens. 4 a.m. wake ups and 5 a.m. starts. Pretty much going to die, I haven't been up that early since mid November, Owen got me into sleeping in.
Next weeks shifts are as follows.
Monday 9th: 5 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. (Mc Café)
Wednesday 11th: 12 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Mc Café) 
Thursday 12th: 5 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. (Mc Café)
Friday 13th: 5 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Front area)
Saturday 14th: 5 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (Mc Café)

After next week only one more week of working here, and then Owen comes up on the 21st and Soundwave on the 22nd. Then Underoath is on the 26th. So excited, going to be my 5th time seeing them. Still annoyed about the Jaguar Love show, not the fact that it's over eighteens, more because its at Campbelltown. 

I guess that's all for now. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I know I have never asked myself this question but 'What is a gastropod'

A4O. says:
without looking it up, what do you think a gastropod is?
Mike - There's a million things you can do with a bike light says:
something made by apple to help gastro

A very incorrect answer, It's actually a slug.
It can be a snail too, gastropod is just the family grouping.

On to the actual point of this post though,
Slugs have 4 noses and have both male and female genitalia.
Upon searching gastropod on wikipedia, I have also became aware that they chew off their penis after engaging in intercourse if they cannot free themselves, this than rids them of being both sexes and forces them to become only female.
Who would have thought.

The mona lisa has no eyebrows

yeah, no eyebrows.

First post.

Finally got around to creating a new journal space, I've honestly been contemplating it for the past few months with the dramas and daily drab that have been going on in and around my life.
Basically I'll just post thoughts that are on my mind or about occurrences in my day.

I'm getting ready to move in with my long term boyfriend in the next few weeks. The reality of it all is beginning to hit me. I can't imagine myself not seeing my family everyday or having so much more responsibility, seeing as though for the past nineteen years my parents have been doing everything for me maybe a little too much.
So on the note of moving I've had to arrange a job to go to, I've chose just to stay with McDonalds for the time being, Not because I want to. Just because its the easiest way to go about it. I won't get yelled at as much as I would if I was leaving my current job as I am simply getting a transfer rather than leaving all together. I'm too much of a sook to leave all together and stand there while I have Rod, my boss go off his head at me.
While on the topic of work, I have only two weeks working at maccas up here. It's going to be sad leaving, I've formed relationships with the most unlikely of people while being there and I'm going to miss them all.

This time of year always upsets me, everyone going back to school. I really wish I hadn't dropped out. I miss having a routine everyday and not having the problems that I face now that I work 38 hours a week and wake at 4am every day. I barely see any of my school friends anymore, that's slightly depressing in itself, seeing as though I used to see them 5 days a week.
I'm actually seeing Claire (probably my closest friend from school) this friday, we're going out to Jakes new house to just hang out. Danni is coming over after she finishes school and I think a few others that I don't know.
Anyway this post has gone on too long, I didn't anticipate writing this much,
I just got rambling