Monday, July 13, 2009


First blog post in a while which isn't going to be symbolic of anything, just upfront 100% on how i feel at the moment.
Right now I'm not feeling to great, every now and then I feel like im drifting away from friends,family etc.
I don't feel wanted or needed amongst many people of whom I'd like to.
I don't want to go through all this again, just no one seems interested in what I have to offer.
I fall for people way too frequently, and let them in on an even more frequent basis.
People bore me too much, Nothing personal, I lose interest quickly.
Not even sure which direction I'm taking this post in. Just needed to get all this off my chest, and with no one I can really talk to about things anymore...

One of my closest friends of the last few years is getting to me lately too. Dosen't seem to matter what i'm talking about, from tattoos to computers, place of work to moving out of home and relationships. There's always her telling me that its not good or playing it down alot. I'm sick of it, I'm getting to the point of not wanting to talk to her because I know whats coming.

I really just want to get away. I wish I never moved out of home in the first place. Not regretting it, Just felt like a waste of time, I left everything behind and now its hard to fit myself back into work for one. I don't feel like i'm welcome anymore. I've lost alot of friendships with people I worked with because they've grown and left me behind, which i always feel like was happening to me in school.

I hate feeling down.
Really need someone to cheer me up.
Thats all.

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